The club is FREE and offers opportunities to learn and participate in cryptozoology related events and field research skills sets. "Unknown animal" enthusiasts, biologists, zoologists, students, laymen, and people that just like animals -- this is your club! Learn lots of different wildlife field skills and have the chance to learn about different topics.
Bigfoot, Yeti or Sasquatch, Chessie, Mountain Lions, Loch Ness, Giant Squids, etc.
Past meetings have included:
>free nature photography class >free animal tracking class >coffee socials and club meetings >wildlife capture, handling, and transport class >net, radio, and television based shows on the topic
Upcoming events from our calendar:
>free animal tracking classes >trip to west virginia for a bigfoot lecture >trip to the museum of natural history to see the giant squid exhibit >the free 2009 mothman festival >more net and television presentations >coffee socials and movie nights >camping and day trips to search for cryptids
The organizer for this club also runs a blog about cryptozoology and the law here which can be enjoyed here:
Join us for fun, education, exploration, and adventure!